Top 10 GPTs in the GPT Store

Top 10 Generative Pre-trained Transformers Available in the GPT Marketplace

We’re excited to unveil our expert selection of the top 10 most pivotal GPTs found in the GPT official marketplace. Our journey involved meticulously evaluating over a hundred GPTs within a week, distilling our discoveries from the expansive library of more than 20,000 GPTs to bring you nothing but the best. Premier 10 GPTs Starting…

Insights from Sam Altman and Bill Gates about GPT-5

Understanding GPT-5: Perspectives from Sam Altman and Bill Gates

An enlightening exchange between Sam Altman and Bill Gates recently took place, casting a spotlight on the evolution of AI, with a particular focus on GPT-5. This discussion provided profound insights into AI’s trajectory and its potential ramifications for humanity. Below, we distill the essential takeaways from their conversation, examining both the expected outcomes and…

ChatGPT-5 Capabilities

The Progression and Transformation of ChatGPT

ChatGPT has emerged as a groundbreaking force in the domain of artificial intelligence, redefining our perceptions of the capabilities of machines. Originating as an ambitious project by OpenAI, this large language model has captivated the world with its ability to mimic human conversation remarkably well. The transition from its inception in 2018 through to more…

GPT Store

Shop at GPT Marketplace

In the coming week, the tech community is abuzz with the debut of OpenAI’s specialized ChatGPT marketplace, a venture that was initially expected to kick off sooner. Dubbed the GPT Store, this innovative hub will serve as a place for creators to both share and monetize the artificial intelligence agents they have developed using OpenAI’s…

How To Maximize Output from ChatGPT Prompts

Guidelines for Enhancing Productivity with ChatGPT Queries

A recently released study provides insight into optimizing ChatGPT prompts, demonstrating that the application of certain strategies can enhance the quality of LLM outputs by as much as 50%. This is supported by scientific research. Below are the key strategies for eliciting improved responses from ChatGPT, complete with examples. Top Strategies for Enhanced ChatGPT Interactions…

GPT-5 Is Now In Training

GPT-5 Gennemgår Nu Træningsfase

Udviklingen af GPT-5 markerer en væsentlig milepæl i udviklingen af kunstig intelligens. Med fundamentet lagt af sine forgængere lover GPT-5 at revolutionere vores forstÃ¥else og interaktion med AI. ForstÃ¥else af begrænsninger og fremskridt Til trods for GPT-4’s imponerende evner kæmpede det stadig med grundlæggende koncepter. Dette var tydeligt i dets manglende evne til at besvare…

Archive Chat ChatGPT

Arkivsamtale ChatGPT

Du kan nu arkivere dine chats i ChatGPT! Arkivering fjerner chats fra din sidebar uden at slette dem. Du kan se dine arkiverede chats under Indstillinger. Pt. tilgængelig pÃ¥ Web og iOS med Android pÃ¥ vej. Læs andre artikler: GPT-4.5 SÃ¥dan bruger du flere ChatGPT-plugins OptiPrime – Global førende total-performance marketing “mate” for at drive…


GPT-4.5: En Unik Version Omskrevet

I starten af december antydede kilden “Jimmy Apples” pÃ¥ X om en potentiel udgivelse af GPT-4.5 i slutningen af mÃ¥neden. Nylige brugerrapporter tyder pÃ¥, at ChatGPT nu identificerer sig selv som “gpt-4.5-turbo”. Dog giver forespørgsler om forskellene mellem “gpt-4.5-turbo” og “gpt-4.0-turbo” kun vage svar baseret pÃ¥ viden fra april 2023, hvilket muligvis indikerer en fejlopfattelse….

How To Use Multiple ChatGPT Plugins

SÃ¥dan anvender du forskellige ChatGPT-plugins

At bruge flere ChatGPT-plugins pÃ¥ en gang er kraftfuldt. Rowan Cheung fandt en mÃ¥de at fÃ¥ ChatGPT til at forklare ethvert komplekst emne pÃ¥ internettet gennem diagrammer. Her er, hvordan man gør det i 3 enkle trin. 1. Installer ChatGPT Plugins Først skal vi installere de to plugins, der gør dette muligt. – VoxScript: Dette…

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